OPSRC offers a wide variety of resources that can be accessed without a membership. We are proud to work alongside our national partners, subsidiaries and a range of affiliated groups to support public education.
Job Board
OPSRC members can submit open positions for posting on the OPSRC job board. Educators and administrators from all districts are able to view the job board.
Job postings must include an email address for applicant submissions or a web page where applicants can apply. Click the submit jobs button below to submit a job posting.
Data Portal
Public education conversations are nuanced and complex. The OPSRC data portal is intended to facilitate constructive conversations about public education in Oklahoma, and includes data visualizations on many topics. These visualizations allow viewers to see how these topics affect districts across the state.
EdTech Supports
Through Tech Talks and Tech Titans, we have an expanding library of efficient training on today’s most popular classroom tools and most pertinent EdTech topics. Registration for Tech Talks and Tech Titans is free to all educators, and all recorded sessions are available in the archive. Recordings in the archive are available for viewing by member and non-member school districts.

Catalyst Education Fund
Would you like to support public education and receive a tax credit?
OPSRC operates the Catalyst Education Fund, an approved Oklahoma income tax credit granting entity under the Oklahoma income tax credit program. In lieu of giving directly to a school, donors can give to the Catalyst Education Fund and receive the same Oklahoma income tax credit as giving to a school. OPSRC will retain 3% of the donation for member schools and 6% of the donation for non-member schools for administrative purposes with the majority of the donation going to the designated public school and works with the school and the donor to ensure the funds are invested appropriately.
To learn more about how the tax credit program works and how you can support innovative programs in public schools, visit the Catalyst Education Fund website.

Oklahoma School Innovation Summit
The Oklahoma School Innovation Summit (OSIS) is different from other conferences because every session features Oklahoma educators. Our goal is to highlight the amazing work that is happening in Oklahoma classrooms and connect educators from across the state. All teachers are welcome to attend and submit proposals. To learn more about what makes OSIS the can’t-miss conference of the summer, please visit our OSIS webpage.
Non-Member Services
These resources are available to all Oklahoma School Districts.

Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. OPSRC is a Code.org Regional Partner.

The Oklahoma Public Charter School Association exists to support and advocate for charter schools and the families they serve.
Superintendent Search

Take advantage of a clear, affordable process that finds the right person for your district. Available to OPSRC member and non-member districts.
Teaching & Learning Initiative (TLI)

The Teaching and Leading Initiative of Oklahoma partners with school districts to develop teacher and school leader capacity through one-on-one coaching and professional development.
Oklahoma Partnership for Expanded Learning

The Oklahoma Partnership for Expanded Learning is a network of organizations committed to increasing access to high-quality expanded learning opportunities for Oklahoma students.